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Getting into the Game - What is left to do?

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  Welp, you can officially click new game, pick a name, a birthday, and then move into the main game proper. This is great but it does raise a few things that I need to overhaul. The first is our saving and loading system. Currently it is using interfaces in a way that should literally be impossible in C#, how I got it to work I'm uncertain. But it is impossible to breakpoint which is very annoying.

  This week we will update the saving and loading such that it is done properly and can be properly breakpointed. This will be very helpful and part of this will be creating checks for whether or not the loading data exists. You might be saying "Uh...how do you load at the moment if you don't know the state of the save data?" Well I DO know, but it is loaded immediately after checking.

  This was perfectly fine for a few months of development but now I need to make it more robust. We will check if save data exists on open, if it does then turn on the continue button. From there you can select one of the save data that currently exists. And ah hah! That's another thing we need to validate, saving to different index values. Currently it only does a rolling save, so it'll save to spot 1, then 2, then 3, and roll around after it hits the limit.

  But I want you to be able to pick a slot and always save to that slot until you pick a new one. Perhaps with "-1" being our autosave slot. We'll see.

  Overall though, making some core progress. I'll also talk about how I solved the "state to state" communications in an upcoming post. It isn't super clever but it was a refreshing moment when I saw it work on the first try.

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