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Registration Terms

Heavily Inspired (Stolen?) by LTT Forum Rules

Main Rules

#1 - Be kind to one another, period. The internet is vast and if you want to be awful you can check out the following services.

#2 - This community is open and welcoming. Be yourself, as long as that self can muster the #1 main rule.

#3 - What is said here might be around for a while. Ask yourself if your future self would want to see what your past self has written.

#4 - Have fun!

General Stuff

  1. No harassment, discrimination, or abuse of any kind.
  2. No pornography, sexually explicit, or obscene content.
  3. No trolling or flame-bait.
  4. No political content, regardless of your views.
  5. Only one account per person, except with explicit permission from forum staff.
  6. Spam and Non-Constructive posts
  7. Nothing illegal.
  8. No advertising, at all.

You can summarize all this with "It is already on the entire rest of the internet. Lets just not do it here."

Forum Mechanics Stuff

  1. We have achievements and other mechanics that'll show up with time. Just enjoy them as they come to the best of your abilities. There may come a time someday where we add places to do this kind of farming. But none for now, I am paying for hosting after all lol.
  2. This is not really a rule, just a note. We will be avoiding any kind of tracking outside of generic fun forums stuff. I don't want to sell you anything besides the things that I am making or other small creators are making. Your life is yours and any data we get from you will be by your own volition, on your own time. Similar to general stuff, the rest of the internet is stalking you, we don't want that here. Ever.
  3. If you don't trust 2, feel free to use any browser blocking software on anything sketch. There are no plans to monetize this forums with advertisements, unless I genuinely can't afford the traffic and even then I will try my best to fund it through Patreon or similar.

Misc Stuff

  1. For Q/A forum sections: Please actually answer questions if you know the answer. Otherwise don't tell folks to go look.
    1. In that same vein, please check if your question has been asked yet.
  2. No link shortening for sharing content with people. That's a wild west that I just don't want anyone to deal with.
  3. Try and keep your posts relevant to the section you've plopped them in. Just makes everything easier to track.
  4. Try to keep your signature reasonably thin if it isn't simply text. I loved those achievement footer images as much as the next person.
    1. Furthermore, probably keep it to a single image in your signature, if any.
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